

Fort Des Moines Rangers

Monthly Posse Shoots -- Registration starts at 8:30 A.M.

Mandatory Safety Meeting 9:30 A.M.

Sunday                 April 6                  Monthly Match              
Saturday               April 19                Monthly Match
Sunday                 May 4                   Monthly Match
Saturday               May 17                 Monthly Match

SASS Iowa Nebraska State Championship        
Fri, Sat, Sun        May 23,24,25
Sunday                 June 1                   Monthly Match
Saturday               June 21                 Monthly Match
Sunday                 July 6                    Monthly Match
Saturday               July 19                  Monthly Match
Sunday                 August 3               Monthly Match
Saturday               August 16             Monthly Match
Sunday                 September 7          Monthly Match

*Saturday       September 20      Monthly Match GunSmoke – Make Up TBD
*Sunday        October 5         Monthly Match LandRun – Make Up TBD

Monthly shoots will have 6 stages for pistols, rifle and shotgun. Approximate ammo count will be 60+ pistol, 60+ rifle and 30+ shotgun.  Please bring more than enough ammo, possible side matches for pistol, rifle, shotgun, pocket pistol or Wild Bunch after main shoot.

2025 Outdoor Schedule

Monthly Posse Shoots -- Registration starts at 8:30 A.M.

Mandatory Safety Meeting 9:30 A.M.

Cowboy Action Shooting


Coyote Gulch

Hosted By Fort Des Moines Rangers